Red pocket knife: a real eye-catcher and impossible to ignore
A red pocket knife isn't subtle. It's daring, eye-catching and impossible to ignore. From bordeaux red to orange red and everything in between. With a red knife, you add a piece of your own personality to your gear. It is a colour you won't easily overlook in your backpack or on your workbench. A red pocket knife is undeniably classic. Perhaps also because the colour has become synonymous with iconic brands such as Victorinox, of which the red pocket knives have stood the test of time. Are you looking to 'spice' up your EDC? Red is the way to go!
169 Products
1 Reviews
Case Small Texas Toothpick Pocket Worn Old Red Bone, 610096 SS pocket knife€79.31
1 Reviews
Case Medium Stockman Dark Red Bone, Peach Seed Jig, 31951, 6318 CV pocket knife€100.46
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Old Bear Babies Red XS, 9351-15-MRK children's pocket knife± 1 month
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QSP Knife Penguin QS130SJ-B, 14C28N Satin, G10 Red Liner Black, slipjoint pocket knife€71.99
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Case Large Stockman 51002 Smooth Freedom Kirinite, 10375 SS pocket knifeNot available
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Case Trapper Dark Red Bone, Peach Seed Jig, 31957, 6254 CV pocket knife with pocket clip€99.14
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Case Medium Stockman Pocket Worn Old Red Bone, 00786, 6318 SS pocket knife€105.75